The Liebster Award:
Isabella from "Yep, it's prep" nominated me for the Liebster award. This award is passed around by bloggers as a way for readers to discover new blogs. When you are nominated, you have to answer a set of questions provided by the blogger that nominated you. Come up with eleven questions of your own, and then nominate eleven other bloggers.
It was so sweet of Isabella to nominate me and you should defiantly check out her Instagram page @yepitsprepblog and blog
Here are the questions that Isabella provided me with to answer:
- If your house was burning down and you could only save three objects, what would they be?
I would definitely grab my puppy, my wallet (sorry shopaholic over here) and probably (don't laugh) my fish.
2.What is your favorite clothing item that you own?
Honestly I don't really have a favorite item, I go through stages where I'm obsessed with a couple pieces then I move on to something else!
3.How do you find inspiration for new blog posts?
It's definitely been tough on some occasions getting inspiration but I get it from other ladies blogs!
4.What is your favorite quote and why?
"I like my money right where I can see it, hanging in my closet" This quote is so me, I have an addiction.
5.What made you start your blog?
About a year ago I started following all these fashion accounts, then I started posting my outfits and one woman I met over social media told me to start a blog, the rest is history.
6. In your opinion, what is the most difficult part about running a blog
The hardest part is looking at other bloggers pages and feeling like your lagging. What I really need is a blogging schedule!
7.What's the one food you couldn't live without?
Cheez its and chocolate can't live without them!!!
8.What song instantly puts you in a good mood?
Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars instantly puts me in the best mood! I turn it up so loud and have a dance party in my car!
9.What is your dream job?
My dream job is working in the fashion industry in New York.
10.What/where is your favorite place in the world?
I have not been to New York or Paris but I know myself well enough that I would instantly fall in love.
11.What are three goals you have for this year?
I honestly don't make goals, I tend to break them and I feel I'm letting myself down. I like to think that whatever will happen will.
Here are the eleven bloggers I'm nominating for the Liebster award:
If you've been nominated, here's what to do:
First, answer the questions you've been asked to answer. Next, find 11 bloggers to nominate (try to nominate under 2k, if possible) and come up with 11 questions of your own to ask them!
My questions for the nominees to answer:
1. What is your favorite piece in your closet?
2. What is your dream job?
3. If money wasn't an option what fashion item would you buy right now?
4. What made you sit down and start a blog?
5. What's the biggest lesson life has taught you lately?
6. What is your favorite quote and why?
7. What is your dream job?
8. What song instantely puts you in a good mood?
9. What food can you not live without?
10. How do you find inspiration for a blog post?
11. What's your biggest goal for 2015?
If you were nominated by me and you answer the questions, please link to your post in the comments so I can read your answers!